Bingo and Scavenger Hunts
Updated: May 12, 2020
Can you do three or more of these singing challenges?

Turn on the radio and see if you can get one line,
how long does it take to fill in every square?

Music Tic-Tac-Toe

Music ABC's

Going on a Sound Hunt

I am currently working out in my gazebo on my deck.
Let me take a moment to make sound list of what all the things I can hear:
- crows cawing
- the high pitched whistle of my propane heater.
- recycle truck stopping and dumping people's bins into their truck
- general traffic driving on the street
- the propane heater making crackling noises.
- the tapping of the keys on my computer.
- some pretty tweeting sounds of birds
That's seems to be it at the moment.
I would love to hear what sounds are around you right now!
Found this "Tech-Free" Bingo card at:

I sang the ABC'S 5 times in a row