Updated: Jul 28, 2021

Last week I created a post entitled "Meowtastic Music" which was all about songs that had to do with cats. In this post we are going to look at music that is all about puppies and dogs. I only have cats as pets now, but growing up I had a poodle named "Sparkles". Here we are together in the picture on the right!
Get up and dance
Dog songs at Musicplayonline:
Parts of a Dog (Tune: Wheels on the Bus)
The tail on the dog goes wag wag wag,
wag, wag, wag,
wag, wag, wag
The tail on dog goes wag wag wag
Dog starts with D
The nose on the dog goes sniff sniff sniff...
The ears on the dog go flip and flop...
Practice the Yoga "Dog Pose"
