Updated: Apr 29, 2021
This page is dedicated to songs all about frogs!

Froggy You're so Green!
(In this song some boys think it will be cool to scare the girls with frogs - it didn't quite work out for them)
Froggie Went a Courtin
Listen to this Piano solo about Clumsy Little Frog.
Pretend you are this clumsy frog.
CanDoMusic puts a different spin on the Five Green and Speckled frogs, turning into a minor key,
which makes it sound very sad.
Their song is called "No Green and Speckled Frogs"
Learn about the Life Cycle of a frog in this next video:
Dance along with this cute frog:
Here is a story I always share with kindergarten. We usually play instruments every time you hear
"Jump Frog Jump"
We usually think of frogs of just being green, but that isn't the case. Do some googling and discover all the different colours frogs can be.
