Puff the Magic Dragon
Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Peter Yarrow co-wrote the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" with Leonard Lipton. Peter Yarrow turned 82 on May 31st, 2020. He found fame in the 1960's with the group "Peter, Paul and Mary".
I always loved this song when I was a kid, so I wanted to share it with my students. The song has always been a hit with them as well! The song is about losing the innocence of childhood. It evokes that magical time in all of our lives, when life was simple, and we played and let our imaginations take us to far-off lands like Honahlee. We invented imaginary friends, in this case a dragon. At the end of the song, Puff goes back into his cave, which symbolizes this loss of childhood innocence.
Here is the trio singing the famous "Puff the Magic Dragon"
This is the book I always share with my students at school:
See if you can you sing the song Karaoke style:
Try and fill in the missing lyrics to the song:
You can either email me your answers at tgange@srsd119.ca
or use the key code: gtmi8cz5ob.
Give me your grade and put "music" as your subject