In The Hall of the Mountain King
Updated: Apr 7, 2023

This is a very familiar tune written by Edward Grieg who celebrates his birthday June 15th. He was born in Norway in 1843 and died on September 4th, 1907.
It is based on a play called Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen. He was a friend of Edward Grieg and asked him if he would compose music for it.
Peer Gynt is a handsome young man who told a lot of lies and people were never sure what they could believe.
One day he is off walking and ends up lost and it turns dark. He rests for awhile and falls asleep. Trolls find him and carry him into their cave in the mountain and take him to their King. He then tries to lie his way out of his situation which just makes things worse. He is set to marry the Troll King's daughter, who you can imagine is not the prettiest of things. Peer Gynt does manage to escape in the end.
The music "In the Hall of the Mountain King" you can hear him tip-toeing around quietly, the music starts getting faster and louder as he gets closer to the exit. He jumps out of cave to safety just as a troll was about to grab him. They are unable to follow him any more as it is now daylight, and the trolls can not go out when the sun is out.
Watch some animated videos portraying the song "In the Hall of the Mountain King"
I usually have kids play chopsticks to this next video:
Line Rider
Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes
(If you want more of a workout try this one standing up!)
Movement Activity
Sand Animation
Another Rhythm Activity:
Let's hear the song played on Pringles Chip containers
Try a hand jive to the song:
Morning Mood is also from the Peer Gynt Suite
(Listen for the flute, oboe and strings)
Line Rider Video for Morning Mood
Animated Video for Morning Mood
Morning mood played on harps
"Anitra's Dance" also from the Peer Gynt Suite
An animated version of "Anitra's Dance" entitled
"Funny Fire Engine"
Move to Anitra's Dance
Other Music by Edvard Grieg
This one is called "Butterfly"
(get up and move like a butterfly with the music)