Updated: Oct 27, 2021
Dynamics are how loud or soft a song is.

Here is a favourite song:
Another Piano/Forte Song:

This is a fun game you can play with your family. You can hear the song on the Musicplayonline website: https://musicplayonline.com/?s=closet+key&meter_stat=
How to play:
- You will need a key, or set of keys.
- One person must hide their eyes.
- Someone hides the key somewhere in the room.
- Start singing the song and the person who was hiding their eyes has to try and find the key. Sing softly when the person is far away and sing louder as they get closer.
- You could also sing "higher" if the key is up higher or "lower" if the key is close to the ground.
You can also find this Loud/soft game at the Musicplayonline website

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is a fun song to sing that uses dynamics. It starts out loud (forte) and keeps getting softer.
Here is a song for Crescendo (gradually get louder) and Decrescendo (gradually get softer)
Grab a piece of paper and make this chart. Now write down words or draw pictures to show loud and soft things.

Move around to the "louds and softs" of the following song
Try some live worksheets
If you want to tell me how you did you can either email me your answers at tgange@srsd119.ca
or use the key code: gtmi8cz5ob.
Give me your grade and put "music" as your subject
Clap loudly on forte and softly on pianos
Enter the Magical Sound Forest and learn which is soft and loud
Now help each find their homes:
This next song goes back and forth between loud and soft:
Here is a google slide I created for dynamics: